now, more.

Thursday, February 08, 2007 and wiki-wiki-what?

In this age of information, I find myself ever so grateful for I drink from this fountain of global knowledge as I drink from my green nalgene late july on the grand staircase.

I remember a time on my mission when at each house we entered I was met with the question: "sabes que pasa en tu pais?" (do you know what's happening in your country?) accompanied by worried looks. Of course I didn't. There was a world between me and my pais. And besides that, the Argentine people had me convinced by that point that I was in my country. What was happening in that country? The thought hadn't even crossed my mind that something was happening.

And this was when the American tsunami was. New Orleans, they told me, was under water, and Bush wasn't doing anything, and people were
drowning, and people were going crazy, and all.

I think I went a little crazy. It's a good thing I couldn't call my parents, because I would have told them to donate my skimpy bank account to the South. That's when I realized that the information addiction I had was causing some withdrawal affects. I don't know what it's like to need some sort of illegal substance physically,
but I know that I needed information then.

But I got over it, because I was a missionary, and missionaries are blessed like that.

So I like And wikipedia. And the web.

my wikipedings of late:
lionel messi
rosario central
newell's old boys
infant mortality rate of guatemala
marie antoinette

blue ringed octopus
postal service
maynard dixon
demetri martin
colbert report
united fruit company
el mano de dios

guatemalan midwife
i will follow you into the dark
groundhog day
mayan calendar
frilled shark
dumbo octopus
calf creek falls


my ghostwriter said...

sometimes i get massive water headaches due to quaffing from my raspberry-pink nalgene. hyperhydration isn't exactly how i'd like to go. neither is suffocating from a lack of oxygen where oxygen is generally present. love, amy

heathen said...

Look at you educating yourself with wikpedia and cnn.