now, more.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

watch yo'self

i just want to make clear to the rabbits out there:

to be careful! i have had two weird experiences in the past two weeks, involving strange men with perhaps not the greatest of intentions (or clandestine lurkers as my g-ma would say).

do not go running alone in the dark. please. if i hear you are doing it, i will take you down.

also, please lock yo' doors.

and then the police beat. let's not even go there.


Steph said...

Got'cha! We are always so careful around here...well I am anyway, the rabbits still have much to learn. Good for their big rabbit cousin to be warning them, so glad you care! :) We love you too!

Tammy said...

Yeah...we've already had two drunk people try to break into our house now.. we ALWAYS lock our door.