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Thursday, February 14, 2008

sleep paralysis or what the huh?

the awesomestweirdest thing happened to me last night. i was having a very bright, intense, and interesting dream (which i can't remember now, dadnabit, all i remember is the intense color and the intensity) when i quasi woke up, but i knew i was hallucinating because i was awake but i could see bright colors and sunshine (in the middle of the night). anyhow, that's not the weird part. the weird part was when i tried to move my mouth and found that my mouth was completely clenched, tighter than i have ever felt, but not only that, i couldn't move my cheeks, especially on the right side. it felt like there was a block of concrete in my face, or my face was a rock. i tried moving my mouth and cheeks, but they stayed rock solid. i was panicked and worried but still in this middle state between sleep and wake, and i felt pretty helpless. the colors were there, but then i fell asleep again, i guess.

anybody experienced this or heard of it? it was creeptastic.


austin said...

It's kind of like the first vision, in a weird way. Light from the heavens, unable to speak, intense. I hope you become a prophet.

D said...

one of my mission companions used to have that happen to her. Some part of her brain would wake up before the make you move part of the brain and she would be paralyzed until the other part would wake up. I also had a roomate at BYU with the opposite problem. She would go to sleep but the movement part of her brain wouldn't. One night she stood on the edge of her bed and yelled in German at the window. Often she would answer the phone and hold conversations with people and not remember any of it in the morning. It was weird.