now, more.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

this one's for amy and mom.

i don't usually dedicate my blog postings, because, with a readership of two, i mainly feel like every post is a dedication to those two people. mom and amy. so this paragraph is inutil.

the purpose of this post is to show the warning signs and symptoms of golden eye disease.

beloved fambily cat, haeva (aka harvey), shows these token signs. she is suffering of the advanced stages of the syndrome.

sepia tone is used for its ability to tone down the sharp golden glare which emanates from the cat's eyes.ok you can't see her eyes here.


poor girl. you can clearly see the symptoms in this one.

i don't want to put the world into a pandemonium, but i could see this getting as bad as the bird flu epidemic.

and, as you might already know, there is a movie coming out called "love in the time of golden eye disease." if you go see it, for the love of mankind make sure you wear some sort of sepia tone protective device, like sepia tone contact lenses or a jordy la forge hairband (sepia toned).

save your loved ones, and mankind (mank+ind) as well.


Steph said...

Oh Andrea... You have more than 2 in your readership.

Amanda S. said...

I also read your blog. And I think you're funny.